The City of Oak Ridge is working on a Rails to Trails project for the adaptive reuse of 4.6 miles of abandoned CSX railroad within the city, to create a greenway for pedestrians and bicycles.
Project funding was initially awarded in 2017, through a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant administered by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) to assist with preliminary studies, design, and acquisition of the right-of-way. Then, the FY2020-2023 Knoxville Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), a four-year work program approved by the Federal Highway Administration, allocated federal transportation funds for 80% of the full construction cost of the 4.6-mile greenway, based on a total project cost of $4.4 Million. Currently, the City’s consultant has completed preliminary studies and design, and the next phase is railway acquisition.
The R2T project supports all three over-arching goals of the Oak Ridge City Blueprint, a community visionary plan that declares that Oak Ridge will improve through planned strategic growth and by knowing and preserving its most cherished values.
Over-Arching Goals: Grow our Population & Economic Sustainability, Enhance our Image
& Quality of Place, Improve Connectivity & Mobility.
Community Values: Natural Assets; Education; Science, Technology and Innovation;
and Being Uniquely Oak Ridge.
The greenway system brings parkland nearer to all Oak Ridge citizens. It provides opportunities for motor-less commuting, enjoyable physical exercise, learning experiences about wildlife, and connections to parks, schools, and shopping areas.
A drop-in public meeting was held from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021, in the Oak Ridge Civic Center Gym, to present the trail design and next steps for the project, and to seek input from residents. Input can also be emailed to To view the boards presented at the meeting, see below.
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